Experience Both – The Bay of Fundy and The Acadian Coast
Experience Both – The Bay of Fundy and The Acadian Coast
The city of Moncton is the HUB OF THE MARITIMES! Not only is it conveniently located in the midst of the Maritime Provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island), it is also very well positioned between two very diverse and fun coastlines.
The rugged Bay of Fundy is packaged with the warm beaches of the French Acadian Coast! But don’t worry – most locals in this region speak fluent English as well. What is better than beaches, boats and lobster when coupled with the world’s highest tides!
This package was priced on a family of four (two adults and two children under 18), however we can add additional children (fees apply accordingly). This is based on a 7 day cancellation policy. Some adventures included do offer personal guides for your experiences, also included in the package.
What’s Included:
- TwoNight’s Accommodation with Breakfast
- Admissions Hopewell Rocks
- Admissions Parlee Beach
- Saddle and Paddle Adventure Broadleaf Guest Ranch
- Breakfast for your family both mornings
- Ecocentre Homarus